Office of Talent Recruitment
The Office of Talent Recruitment undertakes the following duties: 1. Implement strategic plans related to the University’s talent development and recruitment. 2. Prepare proposals for the University's talent recruitment plan for review by superior authorities, aligning with the University’s needs for academic discipline and the requirements of subordinate institutions for talented individuals. 3. Release information regarding the University's talent needs and publicize recruitment policies to attract high-level talent. 4. Provide assistance and guidance to subordinate institutions to actively engage in attracting top talent. 5. Coordinate personnel procedures for permanent employees undergoing public recruitment, streamlined recruitment processes, or transfers. 6. Process onboarding procedures for new hires. 7. Provide exceptional support for high-level talent. 8. Collect statistical information on talent recruitment (excluding national-level experts). 9. Complete other tasks as assigned by superior authorities.
Contact Information: Ms. Zhao Tel: 0851-88292297 |